Wednesday, October 19, 2016

DIY Hairspray

One of the products that I ditched early on in my journey to going more natural was hairspray. I couldn't believe how many easy recipes there were and all with ingredients you normally have in your house. Here is one way to make your own hairspray. 

- Cut up an entire orange in smaller piece and place in a pot
- Add 2 cups of distilled water and bring to a boil.  You use distilled water because you want     to preserve your hairspray as long as possible so there can't be any contaminates in the           water.
- Boil down until the water has reduced to about half
- Allow to cool and strain
- Place in a spray bottle with a tsp of alcohol to preserve and a few drops of essential oil if         you want a scent. I just leave it plain. I've tried ylang ylang before and that was a nice smell.

This hairspray does not dry right away but after a few minutes you will get store quality crunch I promise. LOL Typically you would use an orange for darker hair and lemon for lighter as lemon can actually lighter your hair. I find this hairspray goes a long so if you try this I wouldn't make too much as you would not want it to go bad. The alcohol acts as the preservative but it's still food and will not have the shelf life of chemicals in store bought hairspray. This recipe is a keeper in my house. :)

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