Thursday, October 27, 2016

Caught a Cold? Foods That Can Help

I rarely ever get sick but I am in the process of getting my thyroid back in balance. When my thyroid is out of whack I always get sick. I'm just getting over a cold and thought I would put a list together of foods that most people would have around the house that can help flush that cold out faster. Here is a list of them and how they help :

1) Garlic: Fights infections from bacteria and viruses.

2) Onions: Breaks up the mucus in the head and chest.

3) Ginger: Reduces fever, soothes sore throat and helps remove mucus from chest.

4) Horseradish:  Strengthens immune system and increases blood flow to where cold and flu infections are to remove wastes.

5) Cayenne Pepper: Helps immune system fight cold and flu as it's a rich source of vitamin C.

6) Honey: Has anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-microbial properties.

7) Cinnamon: Has anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and antioxidant properties.

8) Lemon: Decreases the strength of cold and flu, reduces phlegm.

When I'm sick I normally brew some ginger and lemon in some hot water like a tea. Then I take a combo of raw unpasteurized honey and cinnamon in place of cough syrup 3 times a day. Works really well. You can try these when your sick or just incorporate them in your meals to boost your immune system and help prevent from even getting sick. :)

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