Saturday, October 22, 2016

DIY Fruit Fly Deterrent

With the unusually warm weather that has extended into October I noticed that I have an unusual amount of fruit flies around my house. There is a simple and easy method you can use to get rid of them. There are a few DIY methods but this is the one that I use because I always have the ingredients on hand. 

Items needed:
-Small dish
-Apple cider vinegar
-dish soap

Pour about 1/3 cup of apple cider vinegar in the small dish. Then add a few drops of dish soap into the apple cider vinegar and stir. The dish soap breaks the water tension and as soon as the fruits flies touch the surface, they get sucked in and drown. Doesn't sound very nice and I do like nature but nothing made me happier yesterday then looking at the bottom of my small dish and seeing those little suckers. LOL 

I made 3 of these, 1 for my kitchen counter, 1 for my stove top and the last for my dining room table. It does not smell the best but trust me when left over night, it is worth it. You might have to leave this out a few days if you have a lot like we did. Hope this works for you! :)

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