Thursday, February 9, 2017

Home Remedies for Headaches/Migraines

My son was recently diagnosed with migraines and has seen the doc and hospital more than I would like over the past week and a half to find out what he had and why this headache wouldn't let up for a week. Yes a whole week! I've recently tried a few home remedies and here are the top findings to help relieve headaches and migraines. It doesn't mean that they will work for everyone but I always try to do it natural before pulling out the pain meds from the cabinet. I found out the hard way to react quickly once there is a slight hint of a headache because you will quickly reach a "past the point of no return" and then you have to pull out the advil/tylenol/motrin or poison of your choice. lol Here is the list:

  • apple cider vinegar
  • ice pack
  • peppermint oil
  • cayenne pepper
  • chamomile
  • ginger
There are more home remedies than this that I have found but these are the ones that are most likely to be in your house most of the time and will not need a trip to the grocery store. For my son, what worked best was the peppermint oil on the temples, with a cold cloth and being in a dark room away from noise and distractions. Just relaxing like this for about 30 mins seemed to reset his body. We went to a pediatrician yesterday and don't know what his triggers are yet but I know that he will be going to bed earlier and will be limiting his screen time and not allowed electronics about 2 hours before bed. It's too much stimulation before bed. This is still a learning process for us but thought I would share in case others have children with frequent headaches. Try to eat as clean as possible, less processed foods and found that even red dyes in food like ketchup can be triggers for migraines as well. Hope this helps. :)

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