Friday, April 7, 2017

Natural Deodorants

A few years ago when I changed all my hygiene products to natural I was able to use many easy things around the house for deodorant. Alcohol swabs, coconut oil or baking soda. Well since my thyroid level are so off right now these are just not cutting it. When your body if off, so is its ability to do what it's supposed to. Your body doesn't give off odours when you are healthy and balanced. Within reason of still need to bathe everyday and be clean lol Here are some deodorants I have tried from Pure Nature. They both work well but the one in pink and white is stronger. It's pricey but it lasts forever. I'm still working on both of them and I've had them for months. Much safer than other deodorants that might container harmful chemicals. Look out for Aluminum, Parabens, propylene glycol, phthalates and triclosan. Your skin is your largest organ and when putting these on your skin, your body is absorbing all these chemicals. There are other options even if you don't want to use alcohol or the other home items. Read the label!

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