Monday, April 3, 2017

Buy Local

I've been doing a lot of research for the past 2 years and have kicked it up in high gear the last 2 months since I found out my hypothyroidism was actually caused by Hashimoto's. I follow doctor Axe and some other doctors like him that refer to food as medicine. In all the books I've read and research that I have done on-line they all say the same thing. BUY LOCAL! First, you are helping out your community by putting money back in the city or town that you live in and not handing it to big corporations who wouldn't give your health or well being a second thought. Second, the best way to create immunity to things around you is to buy locally grown food. You are exposing yourself to the dirt and life around you when you buy locally grown foods. They also recommend to eat local raw honey and incorporate this in your daily diet. It will create immunity to allergies and pollen that bees in your area are working around to make your honey. This doesn't mean that you won't have allergies ever but it can reduce your symptoms. For the past 5 years around spring and summer my husbands nose starts leaking like a faucet because it's allergy season. He doesn't like taking anything so he just toughs it out for a few weeks.   I have been putting local raw honey in our smoothies everyday for the past 2 months and he has yet to get a runny nose. I thought for sure it was coming especially after the spring weather we had this weekend and elevated temperatures. Nope! Food is medicine and we should be using what we have available and in season at our local markets. Your body with thank you. 😄

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