Friday, September 15, 2017

Health Challenge - Intro to the AIP Diet (Auto Immune Protocol)

I'm in quite a few support groups on Facebook sharing my story/success and learning from other members as well. Had a few requests from members to learn about AIP. Sharing with all my journey peeps what the AIP diet entails and is recommended for anyone that has health issues. Your health begins in your gut and if you have health issues it means your problems started in your gut where your immune system is. This diet allows your gut to heal by eliminating trigger foods and reintroducing at a later time. It's not 100% fool proof as I've found I still have issues with foods that are allowed like green apples and carrots because they are higher in sugar and my SIBO says nom nom nom. Lol But I haven't had a severe flare up in months and only get cramps and discomfort when I haven't prepared the food myself and not sure what the food  contains. The first week on this diet I dropped 3 lbs and continued at that pace for 3 weeks and then lost 1 lb steady for weeks until I plateaued at 27 lbs lost. I'm  on a new protocol to address other issues and seems like I'm dropping weight again.  I am doing nothing extra except for my morning walks because frankly I'm still not there energy wise. I tried running for 3 weeks but that relationship ended quickly because I was still suffering from adrenal fatigue even though I was feeling much better. But I actually wasn't better and still have a ways to go. I have been sick for years that I couldn't remember what 100% feeling better feels like and I pushed it too soon. If you don't have any major health issues you can adapt a Paleo version of AIP. I promise it will help in some way if you stick to it and change your thinking from "live to eat" to "eat to live". I challenge you to try it for a few weeks and see if you don't see any changes.  Warning that you may feel sick or light headed at first as your body gets used to not being fed so many carbs and processed foods but it won't last. Idea is clean eating. High veggies and lower fruits and meats. You don't realize how much food you consume that is processed until you go to make something and realize you can't use it. Very eye opening! The image shows a 30 day minimum elimination timeline but for those with severe flares or digestion issues I would suggest doing it for at least 3 months. You can do it!

Join my Journey to Health - Back to the Basics group on Facebook for daily posts and updates.

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