Wednesday, November 9, 2016

DIY Facial Scrub

There are many natural facial scrub recipes that you can use with everyday ingredients that you have in your kitchen but my favourite is honey and cinnamon. I always have a ton of canning jars around the house. I take one of my smaller ones that holds about 1/4 cup and fill with honey and then add a few tsp of ground cinnamon. I like my scrub to feel grainy so I typically add more cinnamon but you can reduce the amount of cinnamon to your preference in texture. The cinnamon will act as the exfoliant and honey is a great moisturizer. Rub this scrub on your face when you first get in the shower and let sit for a few minutes while you continue your shower. Then rinse off once your shower is complete and your face will feel amazing I promise! :)

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