Sunday, January 28, 2018

Medical Medium - Liver, Lymphatic and Gut Release Detox Month

By request, I have put together a brief post on the first month detox protocol that I followed from the Thyroid Healing book by Anthony William (aka Medical Medium). I am not a doctor, but have been on a 10 year journey searching for answers with Hashimotos and the long list of other issues/symptoms and this is the only thing that hit every single one right on the head with a hammer and I can't help but share. This is not only intended for those who have thyroid issues. This detox will work for anyone! Your liver is your filter system and everything that goes into your body needs to be filtered by your liver. Think of everything that your body is taking in, all the chemicals in the air, food and water. Ever wonder why you feel tired and sluggish, you wake up in the middle of the night, you have that access belly weight that you just can't shake? Your liver needs your help and needs you to thin out your blood and flush out all the toxins you can. Think of your blood going through you veins like a straw. When you sip water through a straw, it is really easy to pass through. Well, it's not so easy when you are trying to sip a smoothie through a straw. It slows the entire process down. Now try running that smoothie through a filter. Even harder! This is what is happening with the majority of people out there, especially those that have tried everything but just can't seem to get better. Most people eat diets that are high in fats and processed foods, including processed sugar as well. All this means is that your blood is like that smoothie and your liver is overworked trying to filter this thick blood and it becomes tired, inflamed and backed up. The point of this detox month is to thin out the blood at a gently rate, remove key food triggers from your diet which will help your body flush out much faster (like the water in the straw).  


1) Every morning drink around 16 oz of celery juice on an empty stomach. Run an entire bunch of celery through a juicer and drink right away then wait 15 minutes before eating. The water from the celery is very high in mineral salts and electrolytes. It will also raise they hydrochloric acid in your stomach and help get your body ready for digestion, giving your liver a break.

2) Sip on roughly 16 oz of lemon or lime water miday or early afternoon. Squeeze the juice from 1/2 a lemon into 2 cups of water. This will keep your hydrochloric acid up during the day while also helping hydrate and the detox process.

3) Sip on roughly 16 oz of lemon or lime water in late afternoon. Again this keeps the acid up and detox/hydration going.

4) Every evening, drink roughly 16 oz of aloe water or cucumber juice. I did cucumber just because it was easier. If doing the cucumber, run 2 large cucumber through your juicer and drink. If doing the aloe water, scoop the gel from the inside of a 2 inch piece of fresh aloe leaf and place in a blender with 2 cups of water. Blend for 10 to 20 seconds and then drink. Whichever you choose, the point is to hydrate the cells.

There are recommended foods that you should be avoiding during all the detox months. These foods include: 
-dairy (including milk, cream, yogurt, cheese, kefir, and ghee)

You might be looking at this list and saying well these foods don't bother me. Well if you are sick, chances are highly likely that you are carrying a virus such as EBV or strep and these love those trigger foods. When they find those foods in your system that is when you feel those unexplained symptoms like ringing in the ear, dizzy spells, vertigo, pain, heart palpitations, anxiety and swelling. It's not the body attacking itself. It's the result of these guys (virus) coming out to feed on their favourite foods and the body seeing the invaders and getting to work. Your body is always helping you and you have to change that mindset of it attacking you. It is trying to keep you well but you have to know how to help it in order to get well.

This food list can be intimidating and might be really hard at first if you are not used to any kind of elimination diet. I was on AIP for about 8 months so when I was introduced to this I was like, this is awesome, this was nothing for me! LOL But take it slow, one day at a time and don't get overwhelmed by the feeling that you have to do it all at once. Do what you can and even if you can only do the celery juice, do the celery juice. That one is the most important I feel. You can choose to drag this protocol out a few months if you want which is what I am doing. I am following the 3 month protocol but am dragging the entire process out for 6 months to a 1 year. I've been sick for 10 years and feel that any extra help that I can give my body in the healing process will be very beneficial. And this protocol is all about food, I mean how can you go wrong. "Let food be thy medicine." Hippocrates

I do recommend buying some of his books and they go into specifics on different diseases and have a list of focus foods you should be on depending on what you have but this post is a great way to start if you don't have the books. There are a few people in my life that are on this protocol and the results were amazing and seen within the first week. You won't regret it. Happy healing! :):)

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Saturday, January 13, 2018

New Approach to Healing - What is Samyana?

The Samyana website is now up. The first video on the website is the Samyana mission and what was recorded on the 3 day retreat I attended last year. Andrew Facca is a great teacher and I have grown so much spiritually since God sent me down a path where we would meet. I had a group treatment on my second workshop that completely removed anxiety and hot flashes which is something I thought was a life sentence having dealt with symptoms of Hashimotos for 10 years. I still attend group meetings every Tuesday when I can and have for the past 5 months. We learn new lessons, do group share and healings. It has been life changing and showed me how to get what I want out of life by just surrendering and letting go of the stress/worry. By letting God/the universe, whatever your belief system is take over and make the path you want for you. Sometimes things don't happen when you want and there is a reason, a purpose for the wait. When you see life through those eyes, it is so rewarding and changes how you look at your struggles and triumphs. Through Samyana I learned about Lori Wilson, a medical intuitive and I had a medical intuitive scan that helped break through some of the mysteries my team of doctors weren't catching. I brought the scan to my naturopath and osteopath to help correct what she found and Lori's medical intuitive scan was spot on. Samyana taught me that what we are taught and the reality of what we actually know is so different. We are programmed to believe certain things and there is so much more available to us outside the box per say when it comes to true healing. Trust yourself and trust God/universe/the plan because nothing is a mistake and everything happens in perfect order. You can also follow the website link for a whole list of information. -   More posts about this type of healing to come. Happy healing! :) 

Join me on Facebook for daily posts and updates from myself and other members in the Journey to Health Group! 

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

How to Make Your Berries Last Longer

Berries, berries, berries. Doesn't it feel like the second you buy these wonderful yet expensive fruit they go bad. Problem with berries is that they can hold bacteria and mold in all those nooks and crannies. Doing a simple vinegar was will help remove the unwanted guys and make them last longer. As soon as you get them from the grocery store soak them in a vinegar and water mix for a few minutes. The ratio posted in the pic doesn't have to be exact, I just eye ball it. After done, strain and wipe them down or let sit to dry for a bit and then put in the fridge. They will last longer. :)

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