Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Blue Light From Our Electronics

In today's day and age it is pretty hard to get away from blue light as everywhere we turn there is some form of it but this post is focusing on electronics. It is said that you should stop the use of electronics at least 2 hours before bed. But reality is not everyone can do that and I know for myself there are many things I do on my electronics at night. There are things we can do to reduce our exposure as to not disrupt our circadian rhythm.  I know my phone has a blue light filter app. I always have that turned on as well as I keep my screen brightness really low. To go even further than this you can install other filters such as Twilight on your tablet and phone. You can adjust the settings and times you want the filter to turn on and the background on your phone will turn an orange/red hue during those times. Pretty cool feature for those who can't escape using electronics before bed. For those looking for app filters for your laptop, computer or tv you can download f.lux. You can still have screen time not expose yourself to blue light and not disrupt your sleep. Try them out! :)

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